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Tus nqi pheej yig Yas Ntsia Hlau Caps

Tus nqi pheej yig Yas Ntsia Hlau Caps

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

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    Our concentrate on should be to consolidate and enhance the quality and service of tam sim no cov khoom, meanwhile ib txwm tsim cov khoom tshiab kom tau raws li cov neeg siv khoom tshwj xeeb 'xav tau tus nqi pheej yig Yas Ntsia Hlau Caps , High-quality yog Hoobkas' kev ua neej nyob txhua hnub , Ua kom pom tseeb ntawm cov neeg siv khoom xav tau yog lub hauv paus ntawm kev ua lag luam ciaj sia thiab kev loj hlob, Peb ua raws li kev ncaj ncees thiab kev ntseeg siab tshaj ua tus cwj pwm ua haujlwm, xav rau pem hauv ntej ntawm koj tuaj!
    Peb lub hom phiaj ntawm yuav tsum yog los sib sau ua ke thiab txhim kho qhov zoo thiab kev pabcuam ntawm cov khoom tam sim no, lub sijhawm no tsim cov khoom tshiab kom tau raws li cov neeg siv khoom tshwj xeeb xav tau.Tuam Tshoj Ntsia Hlau Caps thiab Yas Cap, Ua haujlwm nrog cov khoom lag luam zoo heev, peb lub tuam txhab yog koj qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws. Zoo siab txais tos koj thiab qhib cov ciam teb ntawm kev sib txuas lus. Peb tau ua tus khub zoo tshaj plaws ntawm koj txoj kev txhim kho kev lag luam thiab tos ntsoov rau koj txoj kev koom tes ua haujlwm.

    Khoom npe Yas Ntsia Hlau Sab saum toj Lub Taub Hau Lub Taub Hau Taub Hau Rau Cov Tshuaj Txhuam Hniav Lub raj mis lag luam wholesale
    Khoom siv PP
    caj dab tag 24/410 ib
    Qhov hnyav 5G
    Dimension W: 24mm H: 26.3mm
    Xim Customized
    MOQ 10,000 pieces
    Kaw Ntsia hlau
    Kev pabcuam OEM thiab ODM
    Kev tso cai ISO9001 ISO14001
    Kho kom zoo nkauj Label printing / Silkscreen luam ntawv

    Yas Ntsia Hlau Sab saum toj Cap Pink Bot1

    Cap Specifications

    ● Khoom siv: PP

    ● Style: Ntsia Hlau Cap

    ● Dimension: W: 24mm H: 26.3mm

    ● Xim: customized

    Customized Service

    Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog qhov kev pabcuam customized? Thov xyuas ntawm hu rau peb

    Peb niaj hnub tshawb nrhiav tshiab luam ntawv, kho kom zoo nkauj, thiab ua tiav technologies.

    Yog tias koj qhov kev ntim khoom yas muaj kev cai txiav ntug kev taw qhia, txais tos sab laj nrog Guoyu rau qhov kev nce qib tshiab tshaj plaws hauv kev ntim khoom kom zoo nkauj evolution.

    Yas Ntsia Hlau Sab saum toj Cap Pink Bot2
    Yas Ntsia Hlau Sab saum toj Cap Pink Bot5

    Universal ncig tsim

    Universal ncig tsim, tuaj yeem siv rau ntau qhov xwm txheej, tuaj yeem siv tau hauv lub neej ntau yam ntim yas. Lub raj mis lub taub hau txais cov qauv xov thoob ntiaj teb thiab ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau muaj ntawm ntau thaj tsam. Yog tias koj muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog qhov tsim nyog ntawm lub raj mis cap, peb tuaj yeem muab cov qauv dawb rau koj qhov kev kuaj xyuas ntev npaum li koj them tus nqi thauj khoom.

    Pab neeg tshaj lij

    Koj puas xav tias dub thiab dawb yog ntau dhau lawm? Koj puas xav tau cov xim txawv, qhov muag pom? Tsis muaj teeb meem, peb tuaj yeem kho cov xim koj xav tau ntev npaum li koj muab xim tooj.

    Koj puas muaj lub tswv yim zoo rau cov khoom yas tab sis nrhiav tsis tau lub Hoobkas ua kom nws tshwm sim? Thov hu rau peb! Peb muaj ntau tshaj 10 xyoo kev paub hauv kev tsim cov khoom yas.Peb muab kev pabcuam OEM thiab ODM los ua cov pwm tshiab rau koj thiab tig cov khoom ntawm daim duab rau hauv kev muaj tiag.

    Yas Ntsia Hlau Sab saum toj Cap Pink Bot6

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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb